Science Sundays Week 4: Ocean Acidification

Science Sundays Week 4: Ocean Acidification

This past Science Sunday, we explored the effect ocean acidification has on organisms with shells. We know that our cars and the burning of fossil fuels release a lot of CO2 into our atmosphere. Our ocean then absorbs the CO2 and the water reacts with the CO2, causing the pH level of the ocean to decrease or become more acidic (a process known as ocean acidification). When organisms with calcium carbonate shells (calcifers) are exposed to acidic water, their shells breakdown and can die. This is a huge problem for our shelled friends and for our ocean ecosystem.

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Introducing the marvelous Henry H.S Waves: Protector of Health and King of the TouchTank

Introducing the marvelous Henry H.S Waves: Protector of Health and King of the TouchTank

While horseshoe crabs have been around long before the dinosaurs and sharks, it was only discovered in the past century that their unique blood can help detect bacterial contamination.Because of horseshoe crabs, like Henry, we are able to ensure that the vaccines we receive are safe and free from contamination.

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