160 Gallons of Garbage.... GONE!

This summer I made it my mission to clean up as much litter from our beach as each day allowed. Armed with a 5-gallon orange bucket, my trusty garbage grabber, and a strong sense of purpose I got to work. This started as a little passion project, but as the days went on, I noticed it became a talking point. More and more people would thank me as I walked by and snatched up a piece of litter. By August, we asked the Greenwich Point Pollution Patrollers to help us out. With their enthusiasm they joined me in the quest to create a better environment for us to share with the local wildlife. 

In total we were able to alleviate the shore of 32 five-gallon buckets of rubbish! That’s around 160 gallons of trash we got out of the water and disposed into proper bins. Thank you to all who helped.  

 Kelly McQuade, 2021 Seaside Center Naturalist

Huge shout out to the Greenwich Point Pollution Patrollers who helped this summer. We thank you all!

Huge shout out to the Greenwich Point Pollution Patrollers who helped this summer. We thank you all!